Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little Fockers

If you liked the first two movies in the Meet The Parents series, you'll like Little Fockers.  It has all of the same main actors.  I didn't think it was as good as the first movie, but when are sequels ever better.  There, of course, is the ususal bantering between Greg (Gaylord) Focker and Jack Byrnes.  Greg and Pam have started a family now, so there's a new family dynamic.  They don't have much time for intimacy with twins and Greg's busy work schedule.  Greg has to control his temptations when a very flirtatious drug rep (Jessica Alba) insists on Greg endorsing a drug similar to Viagra.  To me, Greg's character is like Murphy's Law.  If anything can go wrong, it will.  Roz has her own TV show, and Bernie is in Spain for most of the movie learning to dance.  Dina is her usual sweet, understanding wife.  Of course, Kevin (Owen Wilson) makes an appearance, and he is still not over Pam.  So, if you enjoyed the first two movies, you should check out Little Fockers.

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